17. What do you perceive as the signs of success? Real success comes from work and being loved by the family. 18. What decorative or heirloom objects do you own? Shaimaa's house is decorated very simply. Koranik writings on the wall, peaceful landscape paintings and a big poster of the South Iraqi swamps. And of course, several portraits of our president, Saddam Hussein, smoking a cigar on television, illustrating the months of the calenders hung on the walls of the bedroom and for the living rooms. Abed Ali's house is decorated just as simply except a very few kitchen decorative objects. 19. Do you value new things or old things more? Why? We value more older things, because they are more original. We also prefer to buy Iraqi goods. In any event, since the embargo we don't have much choice. There are no foreign goods in the shops. 20. What types of sacred objects are around the house? Pages of the Koran hung on the walls and a "Fatma's hand" 21. Describe the kinds of clothing each family member owns. Mahdi is an old man who only wears long Arabic dresses and an Arabic Muslim red and white scarf on his head, tied with a black turban. This is all he owns. Shaimaa is the only one in the family who still wears the traditional Islamic scarf covering her head and shoulders all day. She is never without it. She has very few clothes, only long dresses and a black chador that she wears every time she leaves the house, even to visit the closest neighbor. Abed Ali sometimes wears his military uniform, but when he goes to work he usually wears a casual suit. At home he wears a long dress. Alia likes to wear skirts but never shows her knees. She has 15 of them (which means that she still wears the old ones). She never wears pants. Ahmad: wears a jogging suit almost every day. Hala: wears pants most of the time. She likes to wear very casual clothes and wears her hair short.